The benefits of sharing with others...

Wednesday, Mar 25, 2009

Dear Eduardo-

I certainly agree with you about the sharing. I think that sometimes, people don't want to share because they are in the process of writing a book which eventually they will sell. I look forward to opportunities to share by giving talks, instructing others, volunteering at the local LDS Family History Center, etc. I always end up getting so much back in return and learning new ways to research.

Where else to look for the marriage record of Rafael Luna and Maria del Refugio Gomez in Ahualulco de Mercardo, Jalisco

Hi, I'm new to the group and hope that someone can tell me where else to look for the marriage record of Rafael Luna and Maria del Refugio.

New to the group

Hi, Mu name is Monica Medina, i'm mexican currently living in
Montpellier, France.

I've started my genealogical research and I have roots in Zacatecas,
this are the names:

Ines de la Rosa Sandoval (my greatgrand mother) was daugther of Juan
de la Rosa and Narcisa Sandoval. They come from Fresnillo, Zacatecas
I haven't found more information on dates, but I keep on researching.

Also, for the family of my mom I know that Ontiveros surname comes