Land Grants in Nueva Galicia during the XVII century

From the moment I started researching the history of Aguascalientes, I realized that most of the large haciendas owned by our ancestors were land grants (mercedes de tierras) awarded by the Spanish crown to the early settlers and those who participated in que conquest of Mexico. Land grants were intended to promote agriculture, cattle breeding and mining in the area.

Colonial Somberette and Jacqez family


I have traced my La Riva line to Tomas Jaquez who married in San Juan Del RIo, Durango in 1689. The marriage record stated he was from Somberette, Zacatecas. I guess he was he was born about 1660. I can't find church records for that period in Somberette. I suspect the family was French. I am looking for any information for the early colonial Somberette. I would like the names of several books just on Somberette. I know about the mines but outside of the Toolosa and Ybarra familes I do not know about other families living there. I know by looking at some immigration records, some Jacquez came from Flanders. If anyone can give me any clues or suggestions I would most appreciate it.

Castañeda en Tamazula , Jalisco

Hello everyone

I came across this information on the Informacion matrimonial of Tomas Castañeda con Josefa Orta (3.grandparents) as they were related... the record I'm referring to is:…

Does this mean that there would have been a dispensa? or is the little piece of paper is the priest giving them the okay?

What are your thoughts?