Was Leonor Cortez Moctezuma married first with CONQUISTADOR CRISTOBAL DE VALDERRAMA and then with TOLOSA?


I'm tracing the line of Leonor Cortez Moctezuma, the daughter that was never recognized by his mother Isabel Moctezuma. I have found some records about she was married with Juan de Tolosa, but in others mention that she was married first with Cristóbal de Valderrama, infact the line that goes to Petronila de Moctezuma comes from this one.

Mauricio Tovar

I'm afraid I don't remember who had Mauricio Tovar in her line but he was mentioned and now I have a connection but not to my family.. My question is he's living in District of Jerez but was he and his wife Maria Petra Escobedo originally from Tlatenango? I've found children in the IGI and wondered if it was the same family in Jerez so I can enter them in my records

Gonzales and Calvillo Familes of Aguascalientes

I have just uploaded a small portion of my genealogy, These are the Gonzales and Calvillo families.


The Gonzales' are in the area of Tapias and Ojocaliente, Aguas from about 1728 to 1887. As of yet I have not made the connection to the Gonzales de Hermosillo family. But I do have a direct line to that family as well.

Dream Trip

Hi "Dreamers"

I would like to make a couple of suggestions for your dream trip. I will not be making the trip since I was there last year.

Flying to Guadalajara and making it your starting point for the trip is an excellent idea. From Guadalajara there are several