
I hope somebody can help me with this. In one of my lines from Jerez-tepetongo (Salinas line). I have a document (Marriage 1737) that saids that the family was from TENASCO. I assumed that was in Jalisco. I found a dam with the name Tenaxco very close to colotlan-Sta Maria de los Angeles. But now there isn't a town with that name. Can anyone tell me if Tenasco was the old name for the region? Where should I look for the records? Maybe Colotlan?, Maybe Sta Maria de los Angeles? Has anyone seen the name tenasco (tenaxco)?

Babel Fish Translator


I am sending you the last message I sent you with a Babelfish translation. It took me a while to figure out the link for BabelFish. When I did a search for all I kept getting was a language learning program. I kept searching for the translator engine link and I finally found it under AltaVista. Then I had to copy and paste my previous message to this new e-mail, save this e-mail as a draft, copy the English to the link, then copy and paste the translation back into the draft e-mail. This is a lot of rigamarole. What am I doing wrong now? I told you I am technically challenged. I hope someone who is Spanish-only speaking can understand the robotic translation, since there are some words in there I have never seen.

P?ginas en espa?ol

I don't mind reading and writing in Spanish on the list although I only consider myself conversant and not fluent. However, it drives me crazy to try to interpret all the words that have a "?" substituted for every accent mark, oomlaut, and tilde. Is there any way to have our program recognize Spanish symbols? Otherwise, I'd prefer to read Spanish without the marks.

Accents and Question Marks


Recibí el mensaje con tildes y acentos en español. Ahora, una pregunta: ¿recibiste tú este mensaje con acentos y interrogatorias?

I received the message with the diacritical markings in Spanish. Now, a question: did you receive my email with the appropriate markings? I'm using a Mac, G5 with Tiger software and I'm curious.

Rules for using Hispanic surnames? Reglas para los apellidos hispanos.

Gilbert Paez here. First of all, thank you for letting me part this group. I am working my way through the various areas of the website. It is Great!
My question: Could someone help me with the rules for the proper use of hispanic surnames? Example: My grandmother's maiden name was Romero and my grandfather's last name was Paez. Would my father be Paez Romero?

Páginas en español

Ya que hay un número grande y creciente de miembros que prefieren comunicar en español es importante que intentemos hacer el sitio un poco más bilingüe. Lo que escriben los miembros en sus mensajes sería bastante difícil traducir, pero esto se puede hacer a través de una de las maquinas de traducción disponibles en la red como Babelfish. Intentaremos integrar esta función al sitio en el futuro.

Romo & Rangel across Aguascalientes, Jalisco, Chihuahua, Nayarit and Sinaloa.

Dear cousins:

I just got this email from a gentleman in Aguascalientes who is researching our same lines. He must have run across my homepage. As I understand his message Diego Romo de Vivar ranged over a wider area than we anticipated, not extending his lifestyle to Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua alone, but reaching as far north in Nueva Biscaya as Villa Ahumada, which he founded.


Mi reconocimiento a la labor desarrollada por Arturo, Joseph y todos aquellos que hacen posible que exista "Nuestros Ranchos". Coincido totalmente con los conceptos vertidos por Alicia Carrillo. Finalmente, los idiomas, como las religiones o los partidos políticos no deben ser obstáculo para el entendimiento. Sin embargo "hablando el mismo idioma", podremos entendernos mejor. Saludos y enhorabuena.


Hello everyone,
My name is Leticia Salazar, and I am new to this group, I joined the group
in hope of extending my familytree and helping others do the same. My
research began back in 2000 after I purchased a book for my mother on genealogy,


Saludos a todo el Grupo. Les comunico que desde ayer tienen a su disposición mi modesto trabajo de investigación relacionado con los MARQUEZ, ROBLES, RODRIGUEZ, VILLAOSLADO de Tepetongo, Zac. y los JUAREZ, VIDAL, HARO, ESPITIA de Jeréz, Zac. Agradeceré las correcciones, adiciones y sugerencias al mismo. El documento está disponible para todos bajo el título

Batch Numbers Starting with "I"


About those batch numbers starting with "I":

Back in February, I printed out an entry in the IGI after searching for my grandfather's sister Angela Olague in Jerez and Tepetongo.

At the time, the IGI listed an Angela Olague born in Jerez around the time my great-aunt was born, but the parents listed for her were not the same as my grandfather's. I printed out the entry and filed it, thinking that when they got around to listing the film number, etc, I would send for it. The entry listed as Source Information only a batch number (I043209) and no Dates, or Source Call Number or Type or Sheet.