Salvador Gutierrez and Gertrudis de Vera

I have not been actively researching for some time now, but recently I came across a long-lost cousin of mine who found her father in my genealogy database online and we have reconnected. Her father left Mexico as a young man during the Mexican revolution, with a handful of photos of his family, expecting never to see them again.

Navarro en Ayo el Chico...

Domingo, 11 Jan 2009


Mi esposo, Ramon Godinez, esta registrado en Atotonilco el Alto pero nacio en Santa Rita, Ayo el Chico (Ayotlan). Tengo mas que 30 anos buscando sus antipasados. Mi major experencia es en los ranchos de Atotonilco el Alto. Pero si tengo algunas de sus lines en partes de La Barca, Ocotlan, y Nochistlan. Tengo algo de Tepatitlan pero los registros de Tepatitlan no son tan faciles a leer como lo de mas.


Hola a todos.. ¿De casualidad alguien sabe algo de Miguel Angulo y Maria Antonia Diaz en Tepatitlan?, creo que se casaron en 1752 en tonala Jalisco esta familia tuvo a:
Jose Francisco Angulo casado con Anna María Azeves el 30 de enero de 1788 en Tepatitlan. ( también busco a los papas de Anna Maria)


Hello my name is Maria and I am new to the program.

I have a question. I am searching for my great great grand parent from which I think they were born in Matansas Jalisco which they would be registered in Ojuelos De Jalsico. I think my great great grandparents were born around 1888 their names are as follow.

Does any one have this book? : Sagrada Mitra de Guadalajara Antiguo -de matrimonios extractos siglos XVII-XVIII


I am researching my maternal line and have hit a road block. Does anyone have this book mentioned above? My library will not do aninterlibrary loan and I think it could really help.

Right now I am looking for the parents of:

Does any one have this book? : Sagrada Mitra de Guadalajara Antiguo -de matrimonios extractos siglos XVII-XVIII


You can order the microfilm, 0299830 which is the marriages for 1772-1777
for Aguascalientes. Through your local Family History Center. It does have

civil and church marriages

which date would you post in your records for a marriage, the civil record if it appears dated first or the church date if you have it? I've been told that parents did not consider their children married until it was done in the church and they were not allowed to live together until the church marriage. I would imagine there were couples who could not marry in the church but could have a civil marriage. What have other members of the group found?

Distrito Federal, Mexico Civil Record translation

Happy Holidays to all:

I have a civil marriage record from Distrito Federal, Mexico dated 07 Jan 1917 and I am unable to translate two statements. “En la casa no 94 de la oclava del Reloj el Sr Pbro D.J. Guadalupe Chavez, V.P. asistio a siete de enero de mil novecientos diecisiete al matrimonio que in extremis (or fue in extremis) contrajeron Juan Breña y Ma Gonzalez fueron testigos Francisco y Ana Breña “

Mora Family from Ocotlan, Jalisco

I am wondering if anybody has any ties to the Mora family from Ocotlan. I have Jose Antonio Mora born in Ocotlan 1806. Parents were Rafael Mora and Gertrudis Baca. I found a Jose Rafael Mora born in 1786 in Ocotlan, Jalisco, but I haven't been able to confirm if it's the correct Jose Rafael Mora. I was wondering if any members have any Mora line tying into the southern end of Jalisco. Jose Antonio Mora married Trinidad Villaroel of Atotonilco el alto, Jalisco in 1826 in Ocotlan. Please if anyone has any information would they reply it would be greatly appreciated.