Manuela Ruiz de Esparza 1753 IM with Joseph Murguia
Hello Joseph. For some reason the long hyperlinks are truncated making the
URLs useless. This is why I use to shorten them.
Hello Joseph. For some reason the long hyperlinks are truncated making the
URLs useless. This is why I use to shorten them.
Im trying to find this individuals birth or marriage records help please thanks?
I have a great grandfather Francisco Acosta, born in Gomez, Zac 1818 (died 1882 in Monte Escobedo, Zac) He married Maria Ysabel Ruedas, born in San Ramon, Zac 1826, (died 1891 in Laborcita) They marri
Posted today at
Now posted: 1694-1796 FHL Source Film 167991
Nuevo archivo: 1694-1796 rollo OAH 2353
Hello Nuestros Rancheros,
Hola estimados compañeros:
No he tenido mucha suerte en la línea de Autlán de mi abuela materna, me gustaría saber si alguno de ustedes tuviera información acerca de las siguientes familias:
Hello everyone,
I need some assistance please. If anyone is researching Tepechitlan, Tlatenango or El Teul, Zacatecas I am hoping you could help.
Hola compañeros:
Help here wanted to know some of the people with surename Jauregui or Armas that lived in La Jabonera Nochistlan Zacatecas in the year 1850-1900
Joseph Puentes
I sent to my folder a summary of the many Huizar families in Colotlan, Jal., Mex.
Hola a todos:
Where can i get this book?
I have been researching the last name "Rubio" and I have come up with the following information:
Posted today at
Now posted: 1701-1707 FHL Source Film 168043
Nuevo archivo: 1701-1707 rollo OAH 2336 pt1
What happened to the haciendas? What happened to the people? Where did they go?
Were the haciendas taken over by the government? Who owned the haciendas?
• La UNAM (Universidad Autónoma de México) ha puesto a disposición del público la consulta abierta y gratuita de millones de documentos, escritos y audiovisuales, incluyendo su hemeroteca, a tra
Info about this individual his my great grandpa born in La Jabonera Nochistlan Zacatecas born around 1850-1880
Posted today at
Now posted: 1635-1692 FHL Source Film 167971
Nuevo archivo: 1635-1692 rollo OAH 3241 pt1
Mi agradedimiento a la familia NUESTROS RANCHOS que me aportaron valiosa
informacion de
Alejandro Preciado y Josefa Garcia de Alba (Tecolotlan)
La informacion que recibi dice: nacieron y casaron
Busco fecha nacimiento de GREGORIO ELIZALDE BAÑUELOS , cuyos padres JOSE EDUARDO ELIZALDE + 25 JUNIO 1816 en Guadalcazar S.L.P. con PETRA BAÑUELOS .
So if someone is familiar with this names please don't hesitate to give me some info they were both born in La Jabonera a rancho right out side Nochistlan Zacatecas and that's all i know and they are
Estoy en busca de los Morales. Mi abuelo materno, QUEPD, era Jose Concepción Morales Martinez de El Valle de Guadalupe Jalisco. He topado con piedra.
Estoy en busca de los Morales. Mi abuelo materno, QUEPD, era Jose Concepción Morales Martinez de El Valle de Guadalupe Jalisco. He topado con piedra.
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