Me pueden dar la liga de parroquias del estado de Aguascalientes
Los molesto con la liga de el estado de Aguascalientes.
Los molesto con la liga de el estado de Aguascalientes.
Thank you so much to: Linda, Mickey, Angelina, Alicia, Raquel
& Veronica for your advice and recommendations for hotels
in the Guadalajara area. I am especially grateful to
Estimado Guillermo y Enrique
Alguien sabe el origen de esta Josefa Ruíz de Esparza quien casó a Domingo Ruíz de la Fuente? Ella falleció el 22 de junio de 1668 en Aguascalientes.
Aver si alguien que ha investigado por ahí me puede ayudar en esta búsqueda. Hace días entronqué con estos López de Castro.
Hello Nuestros Rancheros,
I thought I would pass along a link to a website that some of you may be interested in for ordering handmade folklorico dolls.
Does anyone know if the Mexico, Catholic Church records on Familysearch is down? I was on it earlier, but now can't seem to get back on neither on Explorer or Firefox.
Thanks so much, Alice
Hola a todos:
It sounds like he was the one who registered her as his daughter and gave him her last name. This often ocurrs when two people live together, though not marry still recognizes his natural child.
New Year's greetings to all.
I subscribe to a newsletter from, and recently they had an article about antique chocolate pots, and it included the history of chocolate.
i want to know where my last name armas came from it's origin?
Iv'e been trying to read this document for the past 2 hours and only found 10 words with help of my mom.So it would be awesome if some one can please translate this document for.
Hello primos y primas:
Hola! Envío revisión de las dispensas de archivo de Diocesis de Guadalajara: 1797 Film 168097 / OAH-2435. Espero mi querida Claudia Reynoso las incluya en su archivo que muy amablemente comparte.
Does anyone know what a manda is? I know its after they pass away but what exactly is it written up in the church for?? here is a link to my document for your viewing.
I have come against a brick wall with the Vallarta Family from Hostotipaquillo, Jalisco.
Could anyone please tell me whether Lino is a first name or a nickname?
I have an ancestor named Lino Monrreal early to mid 1800's in Aguascalientes. I haven't found any reference to any other firs
Queridos amigos,
Al iniciar este año 2012 deseamos que se logren sus propositos y metas.
Saludos afectuosos a todos,
Quisiera preguntar a los miembros de NR si alguno de ustedes desciende de alguno de los siguientes matrimonios:
Hello Nuestros ranchos,I have come to a road block with my grandparents on my mothers side of the family. My grand father Lucio Carrillo was born in Tepechitlan, Zacatcas around 1899.
Joseph, the email below that you received from Jose Maria Vallejo Mercado was spam.
Hola compañeros, alguno de ustedes sabe donde se encuentra el lugar llamado Rincón de León?
Hola a todos,