Microfilm #222,109 Atotonilco el Alto, Jalisco

Sunday, March 29, 2009

With the help of Eduardo giving me the dates and Microfilm numbers, I was able to find the following:

12 Feb 1748 (The date was not 11)

Jph Maria, Yndio de los Adobes, son of Jph. Antonio ARANDA y Mariana RAMIRES Godparents were Calletano ARIATA (Could not tell what was the surname--ARIATA is my best guess) and Micaela OAKZ (Could not tell what was the surname--)

Familias de Atotonilco el Alto, Jalisco.

Yo desciendo de algunas familias de Atotonilco el Alto, Jalisco a los que ya no les he podido continuar la linea mas atrás. Por ejemplo:

1.- Tomás de España y Luisa María García, padres de Francisco de España, genearca de la familia España en Tepatitlán, Jalisco. Debieron casar aprox. en 1720.

Luisa Esparza Lozano or Luisa Esparza Lizalde

Juan de Ortiz married Luisa de Esparza on Dec. 13, 1666 in Aguascalientes (no parents listed). I've checked all the images of "Informacion Matrimonial" for 1666 in Pilot, but there are several months missing for that year. I was able to identify two potential individuals in Aguascalientes: Luisa Esparza Lozano, b. 6 Feb 1637, daughter of Pedro Ruiz Esparza and Juana Lozano, and Luisa Esparza Lisalde, born 28 Feb 1648 daughter of Jacinto Ruiz de Esparza and Juana Lopez Lisalde. I also know that Pedro Macias Valades married a Luisa de Esparza on July 2 1684 (no parents listed), after the death of his first wife, Francisca de Quiroga. Thus I am trying to figure out which of the two Luisas correspond to the respective marriages. Any help will be appreciated.

Coronado-Limón y zapaterias 3 Hermanos

Hola a Todos, estoy buscando 2 cosas, una a los parientes de un General de la Revolución Apellidado Limón, de Guadalajara Jalisco parece que vivían en la colonia Ladrón de Guevara en Guadalajara, específicamentea su hija Eulalia ( tía Yaya) casada con un Sr. Coronado ( realmente lo busco a él y a su familia), éste es hijo de mi bisabuelo perdido Everardo Coronado, dueño de una hacienda Santa María en Ameca Jalisco..salío a pagar unas rayas cerca de 1915-1917 y solo regresó su caballo, lo encontraron colgado por ahí..

The benefits of sharing

I was present when someone, (an instructor) told a group of people that a family member had asked him for a copy of his genealogy and he responded by telling his relative that he was not going to give him anything because he had worked hard and had spent many years and a lot of money compiling his genealogy. This individual told the group that they should not share their genealogy either, "que les cueste a ellos también" were his words.

Igi Films

I just receieved notice that my films have arrived at the Family History Center. In the film section of this site, how does the indexing come up? Is it automatic or do I enter information that I have found? The center I went to said I could download the film if I bring my own memory device.

Another Son of Joseph Macias Valades and Catalina de la Vega

In addition to Mathias Macias Valades, whom I found by accident in a list of confirmations, and the children (Thomas, Josefa and Ursula) that you mentioned in your last message (under the Luiza Esparza Lozano or Luisa Esparza Lizalde-forum topic), I also have Juan, my 7X grandfather. Here is his info and of his children and grandchildren:

Familias de Cuquío , Jalisco.

Tengo algunos ancestros en Cuquío que me gustaría compartir para saber si ustedes tienen información sobre ellos. Yo desciendo del matrimonio de:

1.- Felipe Ortiz con Juana de la Barrera; padres de Francisca Ortiz de la Barrera casada con Juan Velásquez Sánchez en Cuquío el 07 de enero de 1721.

Romo De Vivar Aguascalientes

Hello My name is Erica I am trying to find any information on the following individuals if anyone has more information I would greatly appreciate it! If not I hope this information helps you. I do have more information on other siblings/children but I am still sorting through it to check it's accuracy this is just a direct line of my lineage.


For the last two years I have been working on putting together my mother's family history. It started out with an small idea and has grown into an extensive project. The printing of it became too expensive so I decided to go with a power point presentation format. This has allowed me to include many bells and whistles to the book and make copies for my family members. At first I wasn't sure of what to include so I did a "what to include list" and used that as my guide. Next, what did I have, need and what did I want to include... I wanted an interesting cover page for the book and then continued with a

Tello de Lomas and Sandi de Diaz Lines


I have been reading the posts on these two names, Tello de Lomas and Sandi de Diaz Lines, and wanted to know if anyone has information on my below ancestors. Below is info from book, "San Gabriel Valley Families of Nueva Galicia" which is incredible and I highly reccomend anyone to buy this book if they have note.