Juan de Ortiz married Luisa de Esparza on Dec. 13, 1666 in Aguascalientes (no parents listed). I've checked all the images of "Informacion Matrimonial" for 1666 in Pilot, but there are several months missing for that year. I was able to identify two potential individuals in Aguascalientes: Luisa Esparza Lozano, b. 6 Feb 1637, daughter of Pedro Ruiz Esparza and Juana Lozano, and Luisa Esparza Lisalde, born 28 Feb 1648 daughter of Jacinto Ruiz de Esparza and Juana Lopez Lisalde. I also know that Pedro Macias Valades married a Luisa de Esparza on July 2 1684 (no parents listed), after the death of his first wife, Francisca de Quiroga. Thus I am trying to figure out which of the two Luisas correspond to the respective marriages. Any help will be appreciated.