Luis Tiscareño de Molina


No he encontrado mucho sobre el apellido Tiscareno en Espana, excepto que existe el lugar Tiscar, en Jaen. Pero, al ver los apellidos de Jaen y Ubeda, Molina se presenta abundamente y parece ser nombre ilustre. Ver, por ejemplo, Maria de Molina y Francisco de los Cobos y Molina. Es posible alguna rama se enlazo con la familia de Juan Tiscareno y fue el origen del nombre compuesto Tiscareno de Molina.

Sanchez y Valdivia de San Miguel el Alto y Guadalupe Jalisco

Estimados todos. Hace unos meses Ricardo Rodríguez me hizo el inmenso favor de proporcionarme el nombre de mis tatarabuelos por parte de la familia Valdivia y Sánchez, por lo cual estoy muy agradecido. La curiosidad insaciable del historiador me lleva a pedirles su ayuda para poder conocer la historia de esas familias y de ser posible el nombre de mis antepasados.

Sanchez Perales-Guanajuanto, Mexico

Does anyone have any information on Sanchez Perales in Guanajuanto, Mexico?? He came over in 1910, married my grandmother Epifania Gonzales in Fort Collins, Colorado.? He said his father's name was Margarito Perales and mother was Tranquilina Sanchez from Guanajuanto.? If anyone has any information on where to look or have knowlege of this family please email me.( I've looked in the family search site also. Any help would be greatly appreciated.? Thank you.

Spanish Armada Hurtado Mendoza

I am hoping I can once again request from this group some information. You have all been so helpful in the past. This is in honor of St. Paddy's day....the Spanish/Irish connection.

I spend my genealogical time between the Irish (mine) and the Spanish (my husband's) I constantly tease him that sooner or later I will find that we are related. We have some similar traits and sometimes that is good, but other times it causes conflicts. Anyway, I am descended from the O'Neill family in Northern Ireland on my maternal side. My great grandfather's name was Hugh O'Neill and my grandmother used to tell us tales of the great Hugh O'Neill. We always thought it was know....just fairy tales. Well, although somewhat embellished, some of her stories are in rare historical books. Anyway, out of curiousity, I started researching the Spanish Armada. Hugh O'Neill (not my great grandfather, but the famous one) was linked to this. Then I found out that many ships from the Armada were wrecked along the Northern Ireland coast. A couple quite close to my paternal ancestor, Owen Gallagher's home of Rosbeg, Donegal Ireland. Some accounts say that most of the soldiers in the ships drowned or were killed by the Irish or interrogated and hung by the English. Other accounts say that some Irish people hid some of the survivors and they eventually made it back to Spain. (I have another link to send with an interesting description of the Irish by one of the survivors, will send later)

PARES and Spanish Armada

Out of curiosity I went to the Archivos de Simanca and typed in 'armada'. I received a response asking for a more detailed/specific request. Remember there was more than one armada sent against England. The survivor you mention is named Cuellar. He was one of the senior officers of the operation. You could query his name. Include the date with the word 'armada'. I have never researched the Simanca archives. It really isn't one of my interests. Good luck....



QUE ALEGRIA SABER DE TI, ME SERIA MAS FACIL DECIRTE PORQUE LADO NO EMPARENTAMOS, QUE MENCIONAR TODOS LOS QUE, SI, CLARO QUE SI ACEPTO TU APOYO, Y DE IGUAL MANERA DE MI, PARTE EN LO QUE TE PUEDA APOYAR, NO VISITO LA SAGRADA MITRA CON LA INTENSIDAD QUE QUIERO, PERO CUANDO SOLICITES QUE TE INVESTIGUE ALGO, CON GUSTO HAZMELO SABER, RESPECTO DE MI, TE DIGO QUE ME LLAMO LA ATENCION SOBRE EL APELLIDO MARENTES , EN ESA LINEA NO HE PODIDO AVANZAR, TENGO HASTA ROQUE MARENTES CASADO CON ROSA DE HUERTA, ES ALGO MAS, O LA FECHA DE MATRIMONIO.......SI TIENES FECHAS DE MATRIMONIO QUE INVESTIGAR DE LA REGION DE LOS ALTOS ME AVISAS, PARA BUSCAR INFORMACION, ME ALEGRA TENER OTRO PRIMO, POR VARIAS LINEAS......MUCHAS GRACIAS......TU PRIMA LUPITAour Subject line so it is more specific> than "Re: Contents of General digest..."> > > Nuestros Ranchos General Mailing List> DAILY DIGEST> ****************************************> > Today's Topics:> > 1. Re: Reynoso y Mas (Ronald Reynoso)> 2. de Luna (Lester Alvarado)> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------> > Message: 1> Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 20:45:35 -0800> From: Ronald Reynoso > Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Reynoso y Mas> To: > Message-ID: > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"> > > Hola Jorge ,como estas ? Ojala que estes bien. Mencionas La Lina Reynoso ,donde son tus antepasados Reynoso.Mis ante pasados eran de San Julian desde Jalostotitlan. Lo que yo ha investigado todo la Reynosada son los mismos. Yo tambien me toca casi igual la mayor parte de tus antepasados. Mi mero mero antepasado Reynoso era Francisco Reynoso casado con Josefa Renteria . Francisco Reynoso hijo de Francisco Reynoso( de Peru) y Marian Padilla Davila y Velasco.> Ronnie Reynoso casi pariente a todos de Los altos> From:> To:> Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 14:45:11 -0600> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] PRESENTACION> > > Hola Lupita, me da gusto que hayas encontrado esta p?gina. Cada vez somos mas personas quienes compartimos encestros en los Altos de Jalisco y sobre todo el inter?s de conocer nuestras ra?ces ancestrales. > > Yo vivo en Tepatitl?n de Morelos, Jalisco, pero al igual que tu, tengo ancestros en casi toda la regi?n; Ca?adas de Obreg?n, Valle de Guadalupe, Jalostotitl?n, San Miguel el Alto, San Juan de los Lagos, Lagos de Moreno, Teocaltiche, Ocotl?n, Nochistl?n, etc.> > Entre los apellidos que encuentro entre mis ancestros est?n los Ram?rez de Hermosillo, G?mez Hurtado de Mendoza, D?az de Le?n, Dom?nguez, Gonz?lez Rubio, Gonz?lez de Hermosillo, Mart?n del Campo, Mart?n de Sotomayor, de la Mora Hurtado de Mendoza, Gallardo, Padilla D?vila, Aranda, de Luna, Ibarra, Guti?rrez Coron> ado, Romero de Ch?vez, Hern?ndez Gami?o, P?rez Franco, Franco de Paredes, Casillas y Cabrera, L?pez de Elizalde, Ruiz de Esparza, Gallegos, Mu?oz de Nava, Becerra, Santa Cruz, Guajardo, de Aceves, Rodr?guez de Portugal, G?mez de Portugal, Guti?rrez de Hermosillo, Guti?rrez de Mendoza, Guti?rrez Rubio, Mu?oz de Hermosillo, Rodr?guez de Fr?as, Gonz?lez de H?jar, Rodr?guez de H?jar, de la Torre Ledezma, Delgadillo, Vallejo, Cornejo, Covarrubias, Arias Maldonado, Gonz?lez de Rubalcava, Villalobos, de Anda Altamirano, de la C?mara y Menoyo, Mar?n de Pe?aloza, de Loza, Fern?ndez de Rueda, Castellanos, Valdivia, Torres, de Ochoa Garibay, Navarro Gayt?n, Ort?z de Z?rate, Plascencia, Lozano Isla, Gil, Mac?as Valadez, Estrada Bocanegra, Cort?s, Ruiz de Velasco, Espa?a, Sonora, Ulloa, Sigala, de Alba, Carvajal de Ulloa, de Le?n, Murgu?a, Cano, Montes, de la Paz y Castro, Tello de Orozco, Camarena, Romo de Vivar, Vel?zquez, Ram?rez de Mendoza, Mu?oz de la Barba, Vargas Machuca, Enr?quez> del Castillo, Marentes de Otaduy, Reynoso y Renter?a, Quijas y Escalante, Bracamonte, ??iguez, etc.> > En lo que pueda ayudarte estoy a tus ?rdenes.> Saludos.Jorge Luis Ram?rez G?mez.> _________________________________________________________________> Participa en nanometrajes y gana grandes premios>> -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- > Nuestros Ranchos General Mailing List> > To post, send email to:> general(at)> > To change your subscription, log on to:>> > ------------------------------> > Message: 2> Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 17:20:44 +0000> From: Lester Alvarado > Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] de Luna> To: > Message-ID: > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"> > > > Hi there ,> > I have de Luna in my line she was Maria Pasquala de Luna married to Juan de Alvarado thier son Jose Antonio Candelario Alvarado de Luna was my Great great great Grandfather , Candelario was born 10th of Feb.1792 in Saltillo , Coahuila and married Maria Quirina Saldivar Gomez in Villa de Sanitago , Nuevo Leon 26 of Oct 1844 . I don't have any info on Juan or Pasquala such as birth dates , baptisms or marriage dates . If you have any info on them I sure would appreciate it .> > Thank you ,> Welester G. Alvarado> > > > lo, Mart?n del Campo, Mart?n de Sotomayor, de la Mora Hurtado de Mendoza, Gallardo, Padilla D?vila, Aranda, de Luna, Ibarra, Guti?rrez Coronado, Romero de Ch?vez, Hern?ndez Gami?o, P?rez Franco, Franco de Paredes, Casillas y Cabrera, L?pez de Elizalde, Ruiz de Esparza, Gallegos, Mu?oz de Nava, Becerra, Santa Cruz, Guajardo, de Aceves, Rodr?guez de Portugal, G?mez de Portugal, Guti?rrez de Hermosillo, Guti?rrez de Mendoza, Guti?rrez Rubio, Mu?oz de Hermosillo, Rodr?guez de Fr?as, Gonz?lez de H?jar, Rodr?guez de H?jar, de la Torre Ledezma, Delgadillo, Vallejo, Cornejo, Covarrubias, Arias Maldonado, Gonz?lez de Rubalcava, Villalobos, de Anda Altamirano, de la C?mara y Menoyo, Mar?n de Pe?aloza, de Loza, Fern?ndez de Rueda, Castellanos, Valdivia, Torres, de Ochoa Garibay, Navarro Gayt?n, Ort?z de Z?rate, Plascencia, Lozano Isla, Gil, Mac?as Valadez, Estrada Bocanegra, Cort?s, Ruiz de Velasco, Espa?a, Sonora, Ulloa, Sigala, de Alba, Carvajal de Ulloa, de Le?n, Murgu?a, Cano, Monte> s, de la Paz y Castro, Tello de Orozco, Camarena, Romo de Vivar, Vel?zquez, Ram?rez de Mendoza, Mu?oz de la Barba, Vargas Machuca, Enr?quez del Castillo, Marentes de Otaduy, Reynoso y Renter?a, Quijas y Escalante, Bracamonte, ??iguez, etc.> > En lo que pueda ayudarte estoy a tus ?rdenes.> Saludos.Jorge Luis Ram?rez G?mez.> _________________________________________________________________> Participa en nanometrajes y gana grandes premios>> -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- > Nuestros Ranchos General Mailing List> > To post, send email to:> general(at)> > To change your subscription, log on to:>> -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- > Nuestros Ranchos General Mailing List> > To post, send email to:> general(at)> > To change your subscription, log on to:>> _________________________________________________________________> Shed those extra pounds with MSN and The Biggest Loser!>> > ------------------------------> > -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- > Nuestros Ranchos General Mailing List> > To post, send email to:> general(at)> > To change your subscription, log on to:>> > End of General Digest, Vol 25, Issue 14> ***************************************

I updated my files - DE LEON, CARLOS, BANUELOS, FLORES, VILLANEDA, & many others

In the last few weeks, I accumulated a lot of new ancestors for my parents ELIAS DE LEON and MARIA CARLOS.

Thanks to you, my Family Tree has reached 12 generations in many of my ancestral branches! There are over 1,200 individuals and almost 400 surnames!

Reynoso/Conrique mutual linkageswith Hurtado de Mendoza lines, and others ..


I'll be glad to share! After all, sharing and consulting with each other
are central reasons for our participating in this forum.

At this time, I'am in the middle of restructuring/re-entering the data that

Reynoso/Conrique mutual linkages with Hurtado de Mendoza lines, and others ...


My research notes confirm the 6 marriage entries in your message, today.

Also, as you stated, the convoluted relationships that resulted from the
marriages of siblings in one family marrying siblings in another family and

New Member Annoucment-Dennis Duke Romo

Thank you for welcoming me to this wonderful group of genealogists, and want to thank personally David Mitchell and his wife Irma Romo Mitchell for recommending me. This is my 11th year of research into the state of Jalisco specifically into Encarcion De Diaz, Aguascalientes and Caqistle from which my Romo (De Vivar) lineage comes from, so my goal is to link my roots from Mexico to Spain.

Podcasting Conference

Hey who wants to work with me to contact the folks that are organizing this conference? I'd love to contact them and ask that they record the audio of the presentations so that those in other parts of the world that have interest in the content can also appreciate the good information. If you want to help me translate a request I'd be willing to do the rest.