Seriously Considering a PolicyChange/Seriamente en vista de un cambio policial
John, I know exactly how you feel. I've recently started my genealogy research and hit nothing but brick walls! For whatever reason--political or family squabbles, it appears my mother: an intelligent, professional woman from a once prominent family (Onate), was misinformed as to where she was born! I thought I had hit the jackpot when I received the FHC microfilm for Villa Garcia, Zac. for the years before and after her birth, and she's not there! Neither are her two brothers. I've checked the town's 1930's census--no Onate's whatsoever. This family, like many others, lost their fortunes and family records, if any, in the revolution. Now I've ordered an Aguascalientes El Sagrario (the church where my ggrandfather is entombed) microfilm that covers 300 years. I wonder how long it's going to take to get through that one, working only a couple hours a week (the evening operating hours of my FHC)? I haven't contributed much to the site, not for lack of effort, but lack o