Christobal de Medina and Maria de Avila

Christobal de Medina married Maria de Avila (Abila) on May 2 1666 in Aguascalientes. In their marriage record their parents are not listed, and unfortunately the images of Marriage Licenses (Informacion Matrimonial) in the LDS Pilot site begin that year, but two months latter. So, I've hit a road block. However, there is some additional information that may help.

The Lomellini

I'm reading a book titled Rivers of Gold by Hugh Thomas about the Rise and Fall of the Spanish Empire, from Columbus to Magellan.

Chapter 4 begins with the Genoese or Italian explorers and the influence on the Spanish crown. During the early 15th Century the Genoese merchants were dominant in Mediterranean commerce. The Italians were very influential to the Spanish crown as there also happened to be a sitting Genoese Pope, Pope Innocent VIII. whose ancestry was purported to be Genoese on both sides of his family.

Why I do genealogy

For Jonathan:

Why do I do genealogy? For my children and grandchildren, and for myself. Because I grew up with only one grandparent (the others had died long before I was born), there was always this troubling feeling of not knowing where we came from, and what made us what we are. The following two quotations explain this better than I can:

Nuestros Ranchos Submission REDUX

Okay folks. Sorry about the sloppy uploads. Joseph was kind enough to show me how exactly to upload my files to my folder only. I also took this opportunity to put together the rest of my great grandmothers pedigree trees. Please look through them and see if we can make a connection.

GALARZA LOPEZ Ma de Jesus.pdf

GARCIA DE LEON Ma Macedonia.pdf


PEDROZA ROMO Timotea Pedgree.pdf

ALBA CUEVA Elena.pdf

MOCTEZUMA Petrolina Pedigree.pdf

I have other loose trees in my database that I will also be posting soon. They include my surname along with other surnames that appear above. I have not been able to connect to them but hopefully they might help someone else.

ESPANOL: Favor de bajar y revicar estos archivos para ver si podemos acer una conexcion de familia. Tambien tengo otros troncos familiares sueltos con mi apellido y con diferentes apellidos que no e podido conectar a mi tronco familiar. Espero que esta informacion le pueda servir a alguien mas.

Gracias \ Some

Being from the "norte", where relatives have confirmed our Jewish legacy via
word of mouth, and verified later by DNA - I am very interested in how the
Jewish legacy might have continued in Los Altos, however guised.

Second Hello \ Introduction

Hi Everyone, I didn't see my first two posts here, I'm sure I'm doing something wrong. I did get a reply ( Gracias Jorge !) but have not seen my posts show up here...forgive me, I'm a rookie. First I'd like to thank Joseph for allowing me to join the site. My name is Robert Gonzalez, my area of research is Los Altos de Jalisco, specifically, Tepatitlan and "La Villa" San Jose De Basarte. My father and grandfather were born in La Villa \ SJB. My Great Grandfather, Gregorio Gonzalez is buried beneath the alter of the small church\ capilla there. I also have records of my great,great grandfather and some other family members but have hit a wall. Ultimatley I'd like to take my research all the way back to Spain to find out where my family line started. Names I'd like to research are Gonzalez, Casillas and Alonso. It seems that for at least two generations, the Gonzalez line married into the Casillas line. Any info on San Jose de Basarte would be greatly appreciated, I do have some minor info in regards to the history of La Villa but not enough to satisfy my curiosity. Thank you all, I look forward to sharing info with all of you, Robert Gonzalez ~

Gracias \ Some background on my family

Ricci,Just trying to clarify what you wrote. Ladino was a form of the Spanish language spoken near San Miguel? And what are "Jewish conversos?" Where there actually synagogues around there?Thanks,Luis-----Original Message-----From: "Ricci, Richard" []Date: 02/20/2009 03:17 PMTo: research@nuestrosranchos.orgSubject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Gracias \ Some background on my familyThere are stories that the spanish being spoken near valle de Gpe, pegueros and san miguel was ladino and was spoken because of jewish converso ancestors.

MOCTEZUMA, Petronila

I have just finished posting my pedigree tree from my bisabuela Ma. DELGADO to Petronila MOCTEZUMA. I've seen that Petronila has already been convered on this site. However, I wanted to know what the final consensus was on her lineage to Moctezuma. And, does anyone have that data? The file can be found at

Other names in her tree are TISCARENO RUIS ESPARZA ESPINOSA MARQUEZ MOLINA NAVARRO DIAZ DELGADO. Can anyone expand on the data I have on those names that file? Thanks in advance for any help.


What are the Geographical areas of your Zacatecas research?

Just curious as to where, geographically speaking, your Zacatecas research is located/focused. Did your families move around frequently - i.e., were they in one place for more or less than 5 or 10 years, or for generations? My father was born (1912) at Hacienda del Astillero, SW of Valparaiso, off the Valparaiso-Huejucar Highway (Mex Hwy 44). His father was born at Hacienda de Santa Monica, Sain Alto (1879), his mother at Rancho San Mateo (1887; N of Valparaiso). There is a Santa Monica north of Sain Alto, but it looks pretty desolate on the Google map of the area.

Rocha Marriage

I was looking through a film so far today and it included a marriage of a Rocha (havent had a chance to transcribe it) in 1770. I almost skipped it but I remember
that many members have de la Rocha lines and thought it would be good to scan it.