albums section

I don't know who added the Casta's paintings but they are wonderful! A real eye opener to the dress and living standards of the day.

I've added a photo to my album (Linda Castanon-Long) of my grandmothers cousin, Juan Jose Mendez in a death photo drawn abt 1923 in Tamazula Jalisco Mexico. It gives an idea of the burial customs and dress of the day at that time.

Honoring WWII Vets

The following is from the Rootsweb Review Newsletter for February 14, 2007:

"Unknown to most Americans, there are very few surviving records concerning World War II veterans--most of them were lost in a storage warehouse fire decades ago. The government has records on servicemen who died during the war, but almost no records on who fought and survived the war".

Newest Prima!!!: was- Delgados of Pinos, Zacatecas

Hi there Josie ,

Do you add the hominy or corn into the menudo , in California we put the corn in and the people here in Monterrey get furious with me cuz they say that is NOT the way it's supposed to be . I tell them ( in jest ) that the reason I have come to Monterrey is to get them all back on the right path , that they have strayed and have forgotten to add the corn to menudo , I laugh and they just stare at me , go figure . hehe

Buried Alive? Saved by the Bell?


You mentioned someone's grandmother buried alive? Do you know more about that? How did they discover that?

When I was studying Italian, our instructor, a native of Italy, told us that she never wanted to be embalmed, that they didn't do that in Italy because of known cases where someone thought to be deceased was buried alive. How they knew that I don't know.

SMGF DNA Participation

Hi, all. I don't know if this would interest anyone, but I sumbitted my DNA for the Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Project and they sent me a code for discounted DNA Analysis through Relative Genetics (see below for details) for participating (open to friends and family upon participation). If you've been thinking of getting your DNA tested for genealogical purposes, then maybe this is worth a look-see. If anyone has heard of this lab, will you be so kind as to give us your input and thoughts on this "deal?" Thanks!

Ruiz/Sedano - Typhoid Epidemic in Zacatecas

Hi, all. While attempting to obtain some oral history from my grandmother on my Ruiz and Sedano lines from Tlaltenango & Sedanos, Zacatecas, I found out that one of my Ruiz ancestors was born "in the year of the typhoid epidemic." Now, I imagine this was probably sometime after 1920, which is the approximate year of my great-great grandfather's, Felipe Ruiz Róbles, marriage to my great-grandmother. The reason I mention him is becuase he was one of those assigned to carry the catloads of typhoid victims to the "camposanto." My grandmother says that when the poor, homeless people who would go around asking for "un atolito," the cart carriers would say, "Atolito? ¡Cual! ¡Camposanto!" and then throw them in the cart and take them to the camposanto (Probably because they figured they were already carrying the disease.). Anyway, I know that is not relevant, but I thought it was an interesting anecdote. My real purpose for this post is to find out if anyone has come across any reference to this "year of the typhoid epidemic" that may help me to find the birth year for this ancestor and possible a lead to follow for my elusive paternal lines...

Trim Your Messages - No Personal Info - Recorte sus mensajes - No informacion personal

(Espanol abajo)

This is mainly directed at new members, who may not have yet downloaded and read the Nuestros Ranchos User Guide, but also a reminder to older members. Please remember that messages sent to the list become available to the general public and that there are about a dozen messages sent a day. So in order to maintain members' privacy and facilitate reading of messages, we ask you adhere to these rules:

Jorge Gomez Montenegro: Introduction, presentación..#2

Hi Diane,

I've looked into the Ramón Godínez file (actually into both) and I haven't found a Solorio in them, I've just joined the group so there's a huge chance I didn't do it correctly so if you (or anyone else) could please direct me to them I'll be more than grateful.

Zacatecas, Coahuila - connection researching Gutierrez line

Hi - I have been trying to research the Gutierrez line in both Zacatecas and in Sierra Mojada Coahuila. I ordered some civil records for the area of Sierra Mojada in Coahuila hoping to find my grandather's civil record. I looked through the microfilm the other day and he did not appear in these records. His parents were from Zacatecas but in order for me to find out more about them, I have to start with my grandfather first. The problem is that I have a name of a church (not listed in LDS records) but not sure where this churches parish records would be located.

What would you change about the Nuestros Ranchos Website? Que cambiaria del sitio Nuestros Ranchos?

As I start planning the makeover of the Nuestros Ranchos website, I am hoping that in addition to updating some of the code and the aesthetics of the site, we will be able to improve the functionality of the site. If there is something particular that you would like improved upon, please let us know. We cannot guarantee that the change will be made but we will endeavor to take into account any and all suggestions.

Marriages with wide age range

Cristina ,

My gggranfather Candelario married twice that I know of for sure and possible a third , how bout them apples !


> To:> From:> Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2007 09:50:14 -0800> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Marriages with wide age range> > > Dear Cristina:> Do not think that a 15 year age gap is not possible. Many of the Alviso men I am researching married in their 20's, but then after their first wife passed away, would marry again in their 40's to women in their early 20's. It may have been your gg's second marriage and usually the second marriage document will list the first wife and how long ago she had passed. This is how I found one ancestor. I was looking at a microfilm for the marriage of a son and the father happened to get married again in the same year. It listed the father's first wife and when she had died, so I knew the approximate year of death for my ancestor. Neat hah! I tease my husband that he is carrying on a family tradition as there is a 12 year gap between us!> > Maureen Bejar> -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- > Nuest

Santelices and Valderramas

Good Evening Arturo,
Thanks so much for the film numbers. I can't believe I missed them in the LDS catalog. My FHC is open tomorrow evening, so I'll order them right away. I'm afraid I don't have a scanner, but maybe the people at the FHC can upload it for me. Where do you want it uploaded to? I'm sure they will know how to accomplish this, but please let me know where. I'll follow as many leads as possible. Many thanks. Alice

Genealogy Software Assurance

This is to Juanita and anyone else who believes they can't learn to download and operate the free PAF Software.
Listen up.........if I can do it you can do it, for this 57 year old grandmother to do it, anyone can do it. First go to On the top there will be a row of blue tabs and it says order/download products, click on that blue tab. Another screen comes up and in the middle of that page it will say software downloads/free, click on that. It will ask you what language you want and the english language is free as well as the multi-language. Those would be numbers 77062988-s english language or 77062000's multi-language. Once you've decided and clicked on your choice it will give you your system requirements and it will tell you how to proceed.