Bienvenido, Víctor.


No puedo ayudar con tus preguntas. Sin embargo, hice unas rápidas búsquedas. Descubrí que parece haber información de uno de tu bisabuelos en un microfilm, #1155497. Ese microfilm está a mi alcance en la biblioteca que yo visito los martes y miércoles. Posiblemente ya tienes esos datos pero si quieres puedo enviar una copia. Se trata del matrimonio siguiente:

Diego Lopes de Nava

I am trying to find information on Diego Lopes de Nava and Juana Gertrudes Flores.

He was born about 1720/30, probably in Aguascalientes, and married Juana Gertrudes Flores. They had at least one child, Maria Teresa Lopes de Nava, who married Jose Pantaleon Sandoval (date unknown); she died 14 Jul 1786, and was buried at Nuestra Sra. de Guadelupe, Aguascalientes. Jose Pantaleon Sandoval married again in 1787, Maria Ignacia Lopes de Nava (daughter of Jose Eulogio Lopes de Nava and Maria Antonia Romo de Vivar).

ANy Help

I have a Juan Julián González de Bermejo marrying Gertrudis López de Nava, Gertrudis is listed as Gertrudis López de Nava y Flores de la Torre in her daughters marriage. Her daughter was María Salomé González de Bermejo married 26 apr 1739 in Teocaltiche to Matías Ruiz de Esparza. Any help will be appreciated. -Daniel

Caterina de la Pedroza

Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows who Caterina, daughter of don Marcos Pedroza and María López de Nava, married? Her daughter was my ancestor's first wife. Juana Izzazi y Martín del Campo or Cuevas. I think her paternal grandparents were Nicolás Martín del Campo and Sebastiana Izzazi y Cuevas, hence the Izzazi y Martín del Campo. Juana was also known as Juana Izzazi y Cuevas. So I KNOW for a fact she descended from the same alteño Izazzi.


Hi everyone!
Mi name is Lucia and I'm doing research about mi roots at los altos de Jalisco, specially about Camarena, Santos, Delgado and Correa.

I'm starting with Camarena that is the one I've more advance in.

IGI marriage records

Just a simple question.

I understand that the present method probably is quicker and saves time for the original document-recorder person in 99% of the time; but WHY does that person (who creates these documents) NOT bother to include the names of the parents of the newlyweds ???? If the parent's names are not on the record or illegible, that can be noted on the IGI just as easily.

Yanez del Monte

I found a mistake in my tree and I was hoping that someone could correct it.

Juan Yanez del Monte and Lorenzo Yanez del Monte are half brothers because they have the same father but different mothers. This is very clearly stated that they had different mothers. My problem is that I do not know which of the two is the son of Geronima Benavides. I have both of them listed. which one should not be there?

Yanez del Monte and Perestoriello

I cannot answer for that claim of Alonso Perestorello since I have questioned it from the beginning. They seemed to get started on that route with the mistake that it is two last names written as Peres Torello. It may have orginated that way many years before but I doubt it. The Perstorello family name was originally Pallestrelli in Genoa.