Ecclesiastical Divisions in Mexico

Lyman Platt has a series of publications that more or less track the development of ecclesiastical and political divisions in Mexico:

Vol. 2 Mexico, General Guide:Political Divisions.$14.95. Soft cover, taped binding, 8½ x 11.

Low Riders Podcast/PabloNeruda/New Cuentos de Kiko

Have a listen to the "Low Riders" poem by Jim Moreno in the Poetry
section of the NFU podcast:


While in the Poetry section listen to a Pablo Neruda poem translated and

Gutierre de Aguila

I have run into a few ancestors who moved to the Totatiche area from Gutierre de Aguila in the early 1700s. I remember discussing with someone that the name of this town had changed to Villanueva (Zacatecas). I was looking through the films for Villanueva and it seems that the early years of that parrish are missing... the only films available appear to be informaciones matrimoniales.

Hola ~~~Que Pasa??

What happened to all the old dialog we use to have in the Yahoo Group? What is going on with the groups quietness?
Do miss hearing from you all.

In my research, I have found that I share common ancestors with El Santo Mateo Correra Magallanas. With gratitude to Kitty & Rich Cortez, I now have a copy of El Santos baptismal record, and a copy of his signature when he was a priest, and baptizing in his parish.