To Joseph regarding Maldonado and Tafoya in Juarez, Chihuahua


My cousin Dave is related to you thru Roman Maldonado and Maria Tranquilina Rios. His direct line is Maria Salome Rafaela Maldonado the sister to your Antonia Maldonado. I was viewing your tree, do you have Maria Higinia Rios? I traced Dave's Maldonado's to Sevastian Maldonado and Maria Ygnacia Delfin.

Facial Recognition Technology

Has anyone else tried facial recognition technology?

I just gave it a try, and was very impressed. I uploaded one of my best, most youthful pictures, and the program instantly scanned the image, broke it down and compared it to its celebrity data bank. Within two seconds my match came up. Cat Stevens! I have always thought I looked like him, on a VERY GOOD day! Finally, someone agreed with me.

[Fwd: File - Introduce Yourself Please]

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Re: File - Introduce Yourself Please
Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2006 13:12:55 -0800 (PST)
From: y b <>
To: ranchos Moderator <>

I was not sure now to send in my introduction, so I
am sending it to you in a word doc.

 Family Genealogist

Genealogy Conferences


I just wanted to let everyone know, that I will be teaching a class at the Northern Utah Family History Conference & Symposium, in Ogden, Utah on Oct. 7th, the Saturday before the Legado Latino Conference. And I also been asked to be a speaker at the St. George, Ut 2007 Genealogy & Family Heritage Jamboree, in St. George, Utah on Feb 9-10. Both conferences are being sponsored by . Both classes with be on Mexican Research. So if anyone will be in the area, please come and enjoy the conferences.


Ceniceros is a name in our family that is virtually interchangeable with Lucifer himself. El diablo.

My mother turned 88 last week, on July 10. She's bedridden. She's always had flat feet, and has diabetic neuropathy, so her tiny feet can't support her weight anymore. And she has alzheimer's, so her memory is very weak.

Heraldic Jewelry

For the past 20 years my hobby has been making and designing jewelry in all phases. Recently checking a few web sites such as and I have been able to locate the coat of arms for many of my friends and my own last name and have personally created rings, pendants, tie tack and cuff links all with the family crest.

Haro Ancestors

If your Ana de Haro died in 1716 she cannot be the same Ana de Haro that I have nor can she be the daughter of Juan de Miramonte since he was born circa 1550 and all of his children appeared marrie by 1629 so your Ana de Haro would have to have been over 100 years old when she died to be Juan de Miramonte's daughter. She is probably a granddaughter or great-granddaughter of Juan de Miramonte and Maria de Haro y Saucedo, not their daughter.

Diogo Delgadillo Ancestry

It appears that Enrique Legaspi Frias and Florentino (Tino) Corbera share common ancestry, via Diego Delgadillo married to Petrona de Isla. This is the same line that linked with Maria Cortes, another NuestrosRanchos member. Tino's line continues from Diego and Petrona via their daughter Mariana Delgadilo bapt. 23 March 1655, Nochistlan, Zacatecas, Mexico, and married to Francisco Flores de Medrano.

banuelos/Sanchez lineage

I'm afraid there is no match.... my direct ancestor comes through their daughter Leonarda, who's daughter, Perfecta Castanon who married Severiano Perez who's parent's Victoriano Perez and Felipa Zamora are my direct ancestors. I've tried to find Perfecta's father Pedro Castanon connection to my line of Castanon's but haven't so far... so our kinship makes us kissing cousins I'm afraid..

Moctezuma's haplogroup

I want to share some of the letter from Gary Felix at our findings of Haplogroup-N for my Gutierrez ancestor.. Ernie, you're looking for genetic proof of lineage so I thought this was a interesting fact Gary Felix shared, the fact that Moctezuma's lineage shares Haplogroup N3, a offshoot of Haplogroup-N.. just food for thought...