Some marriages in a Baptism parochial book of lagos
Hi, I´m only warning you that in the link bellow they are some pages (images form 186 to 191) that includes marriages, even though it is a Baptismal book. Maybe there you can find something.
Hi, I´m only warning you that in the link bellow they are some pages (images form 186 to 191) that includes marriages, even though it is a Baptismal book. Maybe there you can find something.
"The opinions expressed in the Somos Primos Newsletter DO NOT necessarily reflect the opinions of the moderators of the NR group or the group in general"
Birth of the United States Mar
Hola prim@s,
Maria Del Refugio Ornelas was the daughter of Benito Ornelas (San Diego de Alejandria) and Ana Rita Del Carmen Gascon Barrera.
Hola prim@s,
Hi everyone, any help would be appreciated. I have over 20 records from my 5th Great Grandmother Maria Paulina. Her last name is spelled so many different ways by the priest and scribers.
My grand father Pedro de Alba (christianed as Jose Pedro) wrote a book of his early years in San Juan de los Lagos, and states that he had a younger brother named "Pablo" (could be Jose Pablo, followi
I found this will for widow Maria Sotomayor. I cant read it and I have no idea if its important but here it is, starting bottom left:
Hello promos,
Does anyone know the ancestors of:
Antonio Lomelin son of _____bisente___ferrer______Lomelin + Isabel Rodriguez de Frias
Another common ancestral link to the British Royal Family and Nueva Galicia.
"The opinions expressed in the Somos Primos Newsletter DO NOT necessarily reflect the opinions of the moderators of the NR group or the group in general"
The Genius of America, Warren
First of all, thank you for accepting me, This is certainly not my field, but I am familiar with research (biological).
Does anyone know where to look for ancestor's land title or testaments during the colonial period of Nueva Galicia (Jalisco, Zacatecas)?
Hello all,
Que tal? soy Raúl Hurtado Pérez, oriundo de la ciudad de México pero toda mi
familia es de Jalostotitlán, Jalisco.
I've scanned in the images from the 1820 Census of the Parish of Jalpa, Zacatecas. I hope they'll be useful to you, especially since the records for Jalpa in the early 1800s are so scant.
I was looking at microfilm of Escrituras:
Escrituras 1691 - 1738
Film/DGS # 169054
Hola a todos,
Hola prim@s,
These are transcriptions of photocopies of the original books, that were provided by Mary Lou Montagna.
This volume includes:
Confirmaciones Jun 1621
Confirmaciones Jan 1627
Can anyone recommend a general history book about the Jalisco area? Thanks.
I think Jose Romo de Vivar is my ancestor.
Hello, I am new to this site so please excuse my ignorance in researching Mexican records. I am familiar with the record system in southern Italy but I have no clue about searching records in Jalisco. I would appreciate any help in learning how the births, deaths, and marriages were reported in Jalisco during the late 1800s. I think that there were prebably two records of each event; one civil and one church. I wonder if the records were kept in each village or were they sent to a bigger, centralized location?
Recently in Durham a city not too far from where I live opened a Virtual
Reality Arcade.
I am trying to trace my roots on my grandfather's side of the family