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Jhoos is a Dating Network with chat facilities that would let you search for members across the globe and chat with them instantly.

Sagrada Mitra Book Look-Up/Investigacion en el libro de la Sagrada Mitra

Hola queridos "Rancheros" :-)

Se puede buscar en el libro de la Sagrada Mitra solo con nombres? O se necesitan las fechas? Necesito ayuda con estos matrimonios que seguramente fueron a finales de 1700's o a principios de 1800's:

Sagrada Mitra

Hola a todos:
A la persona que tenga axceso a la Sagrada Mitra de guadalajara y tenga la amavilidad de hacerme el valiosisimo favor de ver la partida de matrimonio entre Antonio Felis,(puede que este como Felix , Belis o Celis ),y Brigida Nuñes ,efectuado el 22 de Julio de 1848 en Mezquital del Oro Zac.Nesecito los nombres de los Padres y Abuelos de Antonio.Se lo agradecere eternamente.Ya que mande pedir el microfilm desde hace 2 meses y ahun no hay esperansas de obtenerlo,busque el libro en la biblioteca de la Universidad de esta localidad y no estara disponible hasta el 17 de Julio de este año.Por eso estoy pidiendo la colavoracion de todos.

Ordering copies of documents through Salt Lake City

Due to the slow turn around time at Salt Lake for ordering microfilm. I have started to order the documents I need. It takes about 2 weeks to get the copies. I ordered 3 microfilmed rolls and now it's been over 2 months. They are running very far behind....I had heard about 6 months behind.

Can Someone Help Me Out?

Hi. My name is Irene Garcia Sandoval, and I joined NR about 3 months ago.

Due to family demands, I have not been as active as I intended to be, and have not been able to spend time at the NR website for a while. Last week I has some time and tried to log on and bring myself up-to-date, but could not get in. I've tried every possible password I could think of, but I must have used a very special one and now I can't remember it! I have sent off at least a couple of requests for help from the website, but have not gotten any response. If this is not the right place to try to get help, can someone out there let me know what I have to do to either get my password back or get a different one? Any help I can get will be deeply appreciated. MUCHAS GRACIAS.