Welcome Leticia


I too have a Rafael Felix that was from the Tepetongo area. He was the brother of my ggg-grandfather Felipe Felix. Rafael was married to Gregoria Salazar who was also an ancestor of mine. Rafael's father Marcelino (married to Juana de Acevedo) used the surname Felix de Tinajero, and some descendants used the Felix or the Tinajero or both or they would alternate between the two every time they had a child baptized. Sometimes they would use their mothers' surnames which has made finding them a challenge. I see in the IGI that a member of the LDS church submitted a record for a Rafael Felix born "about 1766" in Salitrillo, Zacatecas.

New member/Introduction

My name is Ruth Olivar Millan. My name was changed by my parents J.Luciano Olivar and Maria de Jesus Ramirez to "Ruth" after confusion developed in elementary school regarding all The Jose' and Maria's with the Olivar surname. I was born in the San Joaquin Valley Cal. My dad was born in Nebraska and most of my uncles and aunts were born in the Mid west. They were deported from the USA in the 30's to Mexico...Laos Altos where my father met my mother "Chuy la Huera' (from el Rancho de Santa Ysabel, Jalisco). there was an all call during WWII and my dad returned to the US.

Editor Needed for Genealogy Publication in Spanish

I am finishing up a manuscript on the historic ethnography of southern Zacatecas and Northern Jalisco coupled with my father's genealogy. It is written in Spanish and I am looking to self-publish the work so I need someone to do line/stylistic editing. If you or anyone you know might be interested in this work, please let me know. I am willing to pay, though I do not have much of a budget...


Hola to all my Rancho's Primos
I am trying to get as much information about publishing one line of my family,
The SAAVEDRA/BALTAZAR line of Durango, Chihuahua & Texas. My question to the group is where do I start, what should I include. Any tips from our group would be welcomed! Sources, examples, sites or any personal experiences -seran bien recibidas. I read in a book that "Ir's not history until it's written" so I do want to write and print & share my work with my familia.

Looking for Lujan

Looking for Leonarda Lujan born in 1800's in Sain del Alto Zacatecas. Any Lujans out there in rancho land? She only had one son which was my grandfather Jose. She died when he was a young man and he took care of her. My grandfather said she died of an illness called "flores blancas". Sometimes I wonder what it was like being a single unwed mother in the 1800's Mexico. What I find intriguing is how Jose was accepted by the Martinez Family. His Father Eduardo Martinez was married and his wife and kids treated my grandfather very well. My grandfather Jose Lujan married as a young man dont know his first wife's name she died giving birth and so did the child. Later he married my grandmother Maria Mendoza Castaneda. My grandmother Maria rememberd attending his wedding to his first wife when she was a young girl. She said she and her friends giggled as the young couple kissed. Leonarda Lujan had other sisters I would like to know who they were. If anyone has any info or where I

middle or last names?

I was wondering if anyone can tell me if "del Refugio" or"de Jesus" etc are last names or middle names. For eg. Maria del Refugio Pena Lopez and Jose del Refugio Jimenez. I'm not sure then that I have Jose's mother's last name. The same thing with de Jesus. I have a Jose de Jesus Hernandez and a Maria de Jesus Hernandez. In this case, am I missing both their mothers' last names? or are they related?

Nicknames/apodos & connection to Delgadillos

On the subject of nicknames or apodos....

Gotta chime in. In my extended family we had several Franciscos. My
uncle was Tio Pancho, my cousin was Quico or Kiko, his son by the same
name was known as El Guero.--Probably to differentiate all of them. I

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Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 19:09:04 -0400 (EDT)
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